Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Bootilicous, Boots and Shorts!

Shirt - H&M
Belt - Primark
Shorts - H&M
Bag - H&M
Shoes - Steve Madden
Watch - Michael Kors

So I went  looking for the perfect jeans the other day and scored some pretty awesome deals while doing so, H&M was having an amazing sale on everything I NEEDED!!! lol

I got the perfect crisp white shirt for only $5, the perfect pair of shorts that does not squeeze my leg or has my ass hanging out for $10 and a beautiful snake skin looking purse for only $5, Yessss Honey H&M made me smile that day.  My boots are a pair I've had for a little while now I got them from Steven Madden and it was rainy and gloomy outside so I saw it as an excuse to wear them lol

Have an amazing week everyone.

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