Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Say Hello to TUESDAY, no I mean literally!!!

Name: Tuesday Gene 
Age: Glorious 20's 
Twitter: @OfficialTuesday
I.G: OfficialTuesday
Location: Connecticut  
Style: Hippie Chic with Asanti and Indo-Jamaican influences. 

Say Hello to to a young man called Tuesday and how appropriate because today is Fan submission Tuesday's. Today is the day I post pictures from you guys that inspire me, and this totally inspires me how flawless is this dude.

I met Tuesday a couple years ago at the this trendy hot spot called House that later closed down,  I knew he was some one I had to follow on twitter. Can we all agree that we love his style and his perfect camera angles and phenomenal lighting.  His style is so fresh, edgy and totally adventurous, you can't just wear something like this. It's not even really about what he's wearing you can see his personality right through I love it.
Go follow my boy on social media and don't be afraid to talk to him he's totally friendly.

xooxoxox Lauren O Lauren

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