Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Maximize your Blog's presence with, WhatsBlog

Hey everyone today's blog is going to be a little different, today and sharing with you my fellow bloggers some note worthy information. I found this website called WhatsBlog, it's kind of like a talent agency for Bloggers which is brilliant right. I knew I couldn't keep this information to myself, businesses and Blogger can bought create profiles and be matched together to do well business together.

For Bloggers like myself you create a profile with links to your social networks and write a bio about yourself and what you blog about, and you can search for campaigns and apply to be apart of them, or companies can find you and ask you to be in their campaigns.  It's super easy, completely stress free and 100% FREE, so why wouldn't you want to do it, it's just another way to get you and your brand out there.

Go ahead and sign up and let me know what you think or just check them out and see if you would be interested in this kind of thing. This maybe isn't for you and that's fine but I had to share this knowledge couldn't keep it to myself love bunnies.  Check out WhatsBlog click the follow me button down below or click Here NOW!!!!

Have an amazing week everyone, spread love and Joy not hate. xoxoxo LaurenOLauren


1 comment:


joined already
nice blog
you can visit my blog and follow here, thank you . THANK YOU

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