Just an Island girl, standing in front of my closet wondering what to wear today.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Dogland, A place for Pet Lovers

As many of you already know I became a new pet owner this past summer, for our anniversary my husband gave me a beautiful Maltese, mixed puppy.  I named him King Henry, as in King Henry of England.  I was introduced to this App called DogLand and asked to try it out.  DogLand is gearing up to be  global network for everything dog, and  I LOVE IT!!!
Its absolutely brilliant and will continue to develop and get better.  I'm a dog lover so naturally I thought it was genius.  Finally we have somewhere to post out funny pet pictures and not be criticized.  The app allows you to review restaurants, pet friendly locations and exchange tips on pet training and other pet tips.

I'm mainly on there liking other people's pet pictures, but enough of me talking I want you guys to check it out. The story behind it is pretty cool and its a very friendly community unlike most social media communities out there.  DogLand is actually on Start Engine, they are trying to raise more money to fund this project and really make this app a beautiful place for pet owners. Learn more about the App and the movement HERE, go ahead here is your opportunity to be apart of the future of Pet media and believe me it's coming.  Check out their Twitter feed to get to know DogLand a little better.

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